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Open Source Video Conferencing

Video conferencing is an important aspect for the corporate people. They are actually using this technology from long ago. We know, technology evolves. So, there are so many softwares or programs available to let you use this awesome technological feature. This softwares can be independent program that should be installed on your machine or brower-based program. For browser-based program, there is no hustle. Get an internet connection, open a browser, VOILA !! you are ready to video conferencing

There are many browser based VC(video conferencing) tool that are vey popular like Skype, Google Hangout, CISCO Webex, Zoom etc. In this Quarantine period, it's becoming the only way to interact when visual representation is a must. When people are very much attracted to this type of programs, then there comes the confusion Which is the best tool ? Which is easy to use ? Which is user-friendly ? But the most fundamental confusion is "Is it secured ?"

Recently there has been a security failure claiming around the software, Zoom. Zoom is much more popular nowadays. But there are some news of data stealing and malicious attacks around the world by the zoom users. On the other hand, Google Hangout is one of the most used VC tools. But in recent years, it has decided to turn down the screen sharing mode while conferencing. It is a crying need when there is a situation involving where visual representation is a must for understanding. Actually this methodology is much more used in educational and tutorial purpose. 

Now, Because I am an Open Source enthusiast. I love using open source softwares. So why not on video conferencing. Now, let me introduce my favourite open source VC tool, "Jitsi Meet".

Jitsi Meet developed by open source is a WebRTC JavaScript application that enables simultaneous video calls. The most interesting point of Jitsi Meet is that there is no need to create an account or install client software on your computer. Because it's Open Source, Can you guess it ??? Yup, It's absolutely free. You can use it completely free and secured via your favourite web-browser in your personal computer or smartphone. In addition, you can create chat rooms according to events by linking with Google Calendar.

No installation and account registration required, which makes it an efficient video chat tool. I've felt that it is a tool that could be used not only for business video conferencing but also for private video chatting with acquaintances, which is a great feature with a secured tool. 

By default, Jitsi Meet uses it's own servers for hosting peoples sessions. But it gives a huge advantage to the users that they can create a server own their own and host their Jitsi session from that. Users can also get Jitsi Meet server packages from the Ubuntu or Debian based Server distros. In addition, it seems that Jitsi Meet does not set the maximum number of people who can connect at the same time, and it depends on the performance of the server.

The usage of Jitsi Meet is so simple. You need only a browser, and to go to 
There, a link is generated at the top of the page and you click 'Go'. This will take you to a unique URL where your video chat can occur. Others can join you if you simply email them this link and they click on it. That's it. When you join the room, a simple pop-up box will ask you if you permit Jitsi Meet to use your microphone and camera. That's it.  

Jitsi Meet has many powerful features. The features that I like most are: video, audio and chat, desktop sharing, a link to work on a shared document via which is also an open source tool and the ability to share YouTube videos. In security perspectives, if you like, it is also possible to set a password for your room, so that in addition to the URL link, visitors will need to know a password to be able to join you.

The one and only cons that I've found that, if you are using VPN, there is a risk that your real IP can get leaked. For VPN connections there are many helpful websites like Privacy Tools and Browserleaks. If you don't want to mess up with your network connectivity and configurations, then you can use Jitsi (without Meet) as an alternative via an XMPP server for continue using Jitsi Meet with VPN connections.

That' all. I think, it is an excellent project and I recommend it heartily to anyone who is looking for an alternative to Zoom, Google hangout or Skype etc. If you are an open source enthusiast, then it is loudly commended to you. If you've given it a try, you can let me know your experiences by comments. Next time, I'll come up with another topic, Till then, Stay Home, Stay Safe. PEACE !!

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