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Kimios Document Management Software

First of all, what is document management software ? How to use it ? What it does ? Is it beneficial and helpful to me ? Let's get it  done by one by one...

Document Management Software is a software that manages your document. Pretty straightforward, right ? Let me elaborate. A software that manages all kind of documents (.pdf, .txt, etc.) which are accessible through a bunch of users and they have read and write permissions on those documents. When there are so many users and they all can edit documents, then it is very cumbersome to maintain accuracy and management of those documents.

When there was no DMS (document management software) available, then people have to edit there document and submit it to server (local or public). Others can access it from the server. If any kind of technical difficulties occur at that server, then no one can access that file. 

Consider this situation for a large company. Many users, many documents, But how to manage them efficiently ? Then the idea of DMS comes. Now people get attaracted by the DMS for removing their toilsome work. But here comes one problem ! What's the PRICE ??? Can you afford it for your company ?

 Don't worry then.  Welcome to Open Source Software. Open source software are free of cost or at a very low rate from the proprietary software. This type of softwares are becoming popular due to it's low price, easy accessibility and free maintenancy.

Kimios, an open source document management software. Producing and accessing documents frequently is a highly and most demanded task in modern organizations. Kimios has made it easy and as it's main goal. Kimios allows users to access collaborative features directly from their desktop and their Microsoft Office environments.


Kimios allows users to set thier own folder structure, metadata mapping and workflow architecture. Is configuring XML architecture is difficult for you ? Forget about XML configuration files and become the administrator of your repository by using Kimios ! It allows you to search with full text and boolean queries. You can also combine several search queries and can produce a great search engine.

Kimios has some great features like comments and multiple access. Users can comment on a existing document that can be edited by other users. In a large scale organization, multiple access is a must. Many user can access a document at a same time. They don't have to worry, because Kimios preserves the document's integrity.

Kimios is based on a fully Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). All applications (Web client, Kimios Explorer, Kimios for Office) are third-party clients connected to the Kimios central server that exposes a web service layer that covers all DMS features. This architecture of Kimios offers strong interoperability capabilities that can be used through different APIs available in dotNet, PHP and Java.

The Kimios server source code is entirely open source and available under GPL (GNU Public License) license. Any developer can access, modify or enhance document repository features. Moreover, Kimios offers various interfaces that can be implemented in order to customize the user management system, the rule management system, the metadata structure or the indexing system which is a great advantage for using an open source software.

That's all, guys. If you have any preferred DMS, then let me know by your comments and support the open source softwares. Open source softwares are now very much closer to proprietary softwares in popularity. Next time, I'll come with another topic. Till then, Stay Home and Stay Safe !     


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