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 Python set out to surpass Java

Java's days could be numbered according to Tiobe's latest programming language rankings as the second most popular programming language in the world, indicating that Python is becoming increasingly popular among developers.

Python Vs Java

The company's October 2020 Index shows that as compared to the same time last year, Java has been overtaken by C as the most common programming language in the world. Python remains in third place, but the distance between it and Java is rapidly closing.

For the past two decades, C and Java have regularly occupied the top two slots, according to Tiobe CEO Paul Jensen. The 25-year-old programming language Java, however, is approaching its "all-time low" in popularity as it has decreased by 4.32 percentage points compared to where it stood last year in October.

TIOBE Top 10

Based on the number of hits each language earns through 25 search engines, Tiobe ranks programming languages in its popularity index.

Python was first developed in 1991, but because of its use by data scientists and in machine learning, the programming language has gained new popularity.


Tiobe CEO Paul Jensen offered more insight into the increasing popularity of Python in the company's October 2020 TIOBE Index, saying:

"Last year, Python won third place in the TIOBE ranking, but its popularity is still growing. At 11.28 percent this month, it has hit a new all-time high. Python and Java are getting pretty close, as Java has been reaching its all-time low as 2001. The difference is now less than 1.3%. The 2 top positions have always been occupied by C and Java since the beginning of the TIOBE index. So, if Python were to reach position #2, it would be a unique event. Let's see what's going to happen in the next couple of months."

The Tiobe index shares parallel with the July 2020 RedMonk rankings, where Java drops out of the top two as Python took the second position.

That's it, guys. Let me know what do you think about this battle !! Next time, I'll come up with another topic. Till then, Stay Safe !!! PEACE !!

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